Friday, 21 March 2014

Gladman are back…

Although I know that many other residents of Tysoe will have received the same information, here is the body of an email I received today from Stratford-on-Avon District Council’s Planning Department, concerning Gladman’s appeal (lodged on 12 March 2014) against the refusal for outline planning permission:

I wish to inform you of an appeal that has been made against the decision of Stratford-on-Avon District Council.

The appeal is to be dealt with at a Public Inquiry that will be conducted by an Inspector appointed by the Planning Inspectorate. The Inquiry will be held at The Council Offices, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 6HX. The date for the Inquiry is still to be arranged so I will write to you again when the date is confirmed.

As an interested party if you wish to make additional comments on this appeal you may send them to the Planning Inspectorate at the following address:

Robert Wordsworth
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/05a (Kite Wing)
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay

Tel: 0303 444 5608

Please ensure that any comments you wish to make on this appeal are received by the Planning Inspectorate before 1 May 2014 otherwise they will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate also states that three copies of any comments must be sent to them.

Alternatively the Planning Inspectorate have introduced an online appeals service which you can use to comment on this appeal. You can find the service through the Appeals area of the Planning Portal – see The Inspectorate may publish details of your comments, on the Internet (on the Appeals area of the Planning Portal). Your comments may include your name, address, email address or phone number. Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. If you supply information belonging to a third party please ensure you have their permission to do so. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal.

Please quote the Planning Inspectorate reference number [APP/J3720/A/14/2215276] on all correspondence.

Any comments you made to Stratford-on-Avon District Council at the application stage have already been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and to the appellant.

The Planning Inspectorate will send a copy of the decision letter to you provided you specifically ask for one.

You may attend the Inquiry (personally or through a representative) and, at the Inspector’s discretion, present your views on the proposal. If you wish to speak at the Inquiry you should notify the Planning Inspectorate as soon as possible.

Copies of the appeal documents, including the Notice of Decision and the appellants Grounds of Appeal are available for inspection at the Planning Department, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon during normal office hours. They can also be accessed from the Councils website at Written evidence which is to be submitted to the Inspector at the Inquiry by the main parties should be available for inspection about six weeks from the date of this letter.

You may obtain a booklet, free of charge, entitled A Guide to Taking Part in Planning Appeals from the Planning Portal website at

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